International Dressage Riders Club (IDRC) & International Dressage Trainers Club (IDTC) in conjunction with the Dressage Organizers Club
Short overview of topics:
Introducing Ronan Murphy FEI Director of Dressage
Paris 2024 Update
Results of European Championships
Artificial Intelligence and its relevance to:Judging
Soundness detection
Training Aid
Dressage Competitions- Financial Realities andthe Future
Advances in feeding – Gut Biome
New Test Proposal
What can we learn from other disciplines?
What’s hot in Judging? Transparency registerJudges Dashboard
We will announce the exact programme after theEuropean Championships.
Date: October 2commencing 1300 - October 3 adjourning at 1500
casual lunch 1200 October 2
Location: Azelhof
2500 Lier
Hotel: Zimmerhof
Begijnhofstraat 2
2500 Lier
t. +32 (0) 3 490 0390
Airport: Brussels Zaventem 35 minutes
Eindhoven 70minutes
Dusseldorf2hours 20 minutes
Costs: Themeeting costs are 135,-€ for both days
Registration & Payment:
The registration can be done by email to info@irdc.me.
The payment can be done by bank transfer to the account of the IDRC at theCommerzbank Münster, DE20 400400280361551502, COBADEFFXXX or by PayPal via theemail info@idrc.me
We look forward to your registrations and active support and cooperation inthe IDRC.
IsabellWerth Klaus Roeser Michael Klimke
President General Secretary Treasurer