2023 Stakeholder Meeting
AZELHOF Lier Belgium- October 2 & 3
Monday October 2
1200- Lunch
1300-1315 Welcome-- Club Presidents
1315-1330 Introduction of Ronan Murphy FEI Director of Dressage
1330-1345 Paris 2024 Update- Ronan Murphy
1345-1445 Sleip Gait Analysis- Seeking better understanding of individual’s gait. Early detection of changes, improved monitoring of progress, definition and clarity of ‘fitness to compete’ Elin Herlund DVM PhD
1445-1500 FEI Education Department- Frank Spadinger
1500-1600 Stepping Outside the Box. What can we learn from Reining? Focus: elevation of shoulders, straightness, evenness of contact, minimization of aids Rieky Young
1600-1700 Bridle Research- Fact vs. Fiction What do we know about how bridles interact with horses?
Dr. Russell Guire
1700-1715- Bit Research- Dr. Marc Koen DVM
1715-1800 European Championships- Ulrike Nivelle FEI 5* Judge
1900 Dinner AZELHOF
Tuesday October 3
0930-1015- Middle Tour What is the Objective, examination of tests A&B, live demonstration of alternatives
Catherine Haddad IDRC Board Member
1015-1100- EVA What can AI offer dressage judging- David Stickland
1100-1115 Gut Biome- new understanding of dietary requirements and impact on temperament and behaviour
Caroline Loos PhD
1115-1200 Walkbeat - understanding of biodynamics of dressage movements- Siddhartha Khandelwai
1200-1230 HoofMapp – Documentation of shoeing to improve understanding and maintain constancy. Mustad Rep
1230-1315 Financial Realities of Competitions- Thomas Eyckmans
1315-1330 Transparency Register Klaus Roeser Secretary General IDRC
1330-1345 Welfare Statement
1345 Lunch
Costs: The meeting costs are 135,-€ for both days
Registration & Payment:
The registration can be done by email to info@irdc.me.
The payment can be done by bank transfer to the account of the IDRC at the Commerzbank Münster, DE20 400400280361551502, COBADEFFXXX or by PayPal via the email info@idrc.me
The following hotels are still available:
• Aldhem Hotel
Jagersdreef 1
2280 Grobbendonk
Tel. : +32 14 50 10 01
This one is about a 30 minute drive to the meeting.
• Hof van Aragon
Mosdijk 2-6 / Aragonstraat 2-6
2500 Lier
Tel: 03 491 08 00
We look forward to your registrations and active support and cooperation in the IDRC.