Within the IDRC General Assembly 7th December a new board was elected. The new President is Isabell Werth (GER), Vice President is Kyra Kyrklund (FIN), Secretary General is Klaus Roeser (GER) and Treasurer Michael Klimke (GER). Member of the Executive Board is also Beatriz Ferrer-Salat (ESP), who is also a member of the FEI Dressage Committee.
Further board members are: Carl Hester (GBR), Catherine Haddad (USA), Hans Peter Minderhoud (NED), Victoria Max-Theurer (AUT) and Yvonne Losos (DOM).
„I would like to thank you for your confidence“, emphasizes Isabell Werth. „I am looking forward to the challenges that the IDRC will face in the future and I am aware of the responsibility we have for the sport.“
The new board would like to thank the previous one – with Kyra Kyrklund as President for their tireless dedication over many years. The board welcomes that Kyra will stay as Vice President.
„Above all we need to have a stronger say, to get an even stronger position in internationale dressage politics“, says Isabell. „That means: We have to increase the number of active members from all over the world.“ It would be most important, so Isabell, that as many riders as possible join their forces to make the IDRC to a strong shaping force for international dressage sport.
So, please, speak to your colleagues and activate them to become motivated members of the IDRC.
For effective cooperation it is further on very important, that the communication is fast and direct. Please do not hesitate to contact us, the IDRC board, via the mail address of our General Secretary Klaus Roeser: roeser.klaus@outlook.com.
We will be very happy to get to know your thoughts, ideas and information.
Meanwhile the new board is taking over the daily business and all ongoing information. „In a first step we have to sort everything out: which ideas have already been ‘in the air’, what should be our first goals etc.“, says Isabell. As well as that meetings are planned with important institutions like the FEI and the EEF and with all stakeholders. „We do want to be fully in the picture of everything that is going on. However, only if that is the case we can start from a good position into the year 2021.“
We as a team are looking forward to all upcoming challenges and we do hope that we can strengthen the position of the IDRC more and more step by step.
Now we wish you all a merry Christmas and stay healthy!
Yours faithfully,
Isabell Werth and board members