• Welcome by the President – Isabell Werth
• Approval of the minutes of the GA 13.12.2021
• Yearly report of the President
• Report of the Treasurer
• The discharge of the Executive Board
• Nomination and vote for the President
• Discussion about the adaption of the Status
Minutes of the GA2022
The General Assemblyof the IDRC was held online via Zoom on 07.11.2022 between 5.00 pm7.30 pm.
The president welcomed the present members and opend the General Assembly, to whichthe members were invited with the agenda dated 06.10.2022
The Minutes for theGeneral Assembly of 13.12.2021 were approved.
President`s yearly report
• Several Meetingswith the President of the FEI
February: PersonalMeeting with Ingmar De Vos and Sabrina Ibanez in Lausanne
Result: Veryclearly stated that riders need to be more involved in thedecision-making process.
• Meeting with theFEI, judges and riders on the occasion of the WC Final in Leipzig.
Result: The short GP is no longer obligatory, the organisers of thequalifications can decide which GP they take.
In the final the regular GP will be used.
Meeting with Ingmar De Vos in Leipzig together with the IJRC
• April: Participation in the Sports Forum in Lausanne
Result: TheSports Forum voted in favour of the rule changes proposed by the IDRCconcerning Paris 2024.
Initiation andrealisation of a joint statement by all Olympic disciplines and theTrainers Club on the list of requests for Paris 2024.
• Meeting with the riders on the occasion of the World Championships in Herning
Result:Discussion and support of the proposed changes with regard to the World Ranking List
• Meeting with Ingmar De Vos in Herning
Result: All changes concerning the equipment are communicated to the IDRC in advance.
Handover of thestatement concerning the Paris 2024 requests
Complete revision of the dressage rules
Initiation of a working group at the FEI that deals with the topic of how dressagesport on TV can be made more interesting and exciting for the general public.
• September:Participation in the 5 * Judges Seminar in Amsterdam
Result: Mostof the judges could be convinced to support two collective marks.
Presentation anddiscussion of ideas on how to make dressage sport more interestingand exciting.
Content andorganisational planning as well as realisation of the successfuljoint annual meeting with the International Trainers Club in Hagena.T.W. from the 17. until the 18. of October
It was agreed tocontinue the cooperation next year and also to invite more judges toparticipate.
It is regrettable and not always understandable that only very few riders actively participate.
Furthermore we have to think about how we can increase the number of members significantly, we have already reduced the membership fees.
All members present were asked to use their personal contacts to recruit new members.
In the meantime, the homepage has been completely revised and an IDRC app has been developed that can be easily downloaded from the internet.
Furthermore, own banners with a QR code have been designed, which are to be placed in the stable area at shows to make registration as easy as possible.
The followingtopics were discussed as priorities for the year 2023
How do we deal withthe Recommendations of the FEI Equine Ethics & WellbeingCommission
• Double bridlenot compulsory in GP
• Spurs should notbe compulsory in any discipline
• There wascomplete consensus that this is not a welfare issue but an equipmentissue.
• In any case,everything possible must be done to ensure that these points are notput to a vote at the FEI General Assembly 2022
It was agreed that Waynne Channon and Kyra Kyrklund would contact experts who could provide us with more sound information and statements on the subject of the double bridle.
The General Secretary reported on the idea of founding a joint non-profitorganisation together with other stakeholders to generate sufficientfunds to do more lobbying work in the social networks for equestriansport with the help of professionals.
The idea wasunanimously supported to continue working on this plan, as high-levelsport in particular is increasingly coming under attack in the socialnetworks.
Catherine Haddadasked to check whether this could not be handled via the
Sporthorse WelfareFoundation.
Work Focus 2023
Prize Money requiredfor CDI`s and CDIO`s
Here, it isimportant to consider whether the level and the classification of theprize money should not be adjusted within the framework of the nextrule change.
Minimum Qualification Requirements:
• CDI3*/ CDIO3* Nomin qual.
• CDI4*/ CDIO4*Athlete/Horse combination must qualify at a CDI3* (63 % in 1 GP orGPS)
• CDI5*/ CDIO5*Athlete/Horse combination must qualify at a CDI3* or CDI4* (65 % in 1GP or GPS)
Minimum Qualification Requirements:
The proposed rulechange for 2023 to change the qualification criteria as follows:
CDI3*/ CDIO3* No minqual.
CDI4*/ CDIO4*Athlete/Horse combination must qualify at a CDI3* (63 % in 1 GP orGPS)
CDI5*/ CDIO5*Athlete/Horse combination must qualify at a CDI3* or CDI4* (65 % in 1GP or GPS)
is not in theinterest of the IDRC and its implementation shall be tried to beprevented at the GA of the FEI.
If this is notpossible, this change should be reversed in the coming revision ofthe rules.
Report of the Treasure
Treasurer MichaelKlimke explained the following annual report to those present.
In this context, he referred to the significantly increased travel costs for the necessary meetings with the FEI and the participation in the judges'seminar. He emphasised that this was only a reimbursement of expenses and that no other expenditure was charged to the IDRC.
Furthermore,significant expenses were incurred for the redesign of the website and the development of a separate IDRC App.
The design of thewebsite as well as the own app were considered very successful.
Discharge of the Executive Board
The Board was discharged by a unanimous majority, with Board members abstaining from the vote.
The Board of Directors is thus discharged.
Nomination &vote for the President
According to the current statutes, the President of the Club must be newly elected on the occasion of this year's General Assembly.
The current President, Isabell Werth, declared her willingness to run again for this position when asked.
Ms Isabell Werth was unanimously elected President, abstaining from the vote.
When asked if she would accept the election, she stated that she was ready to accept the election and thanked everyone for their confidence in her.
Discussion aboutthe Adaption of the Status
• Michael Klimke explained the current regulation in the statutes regarding the different terms of the Board members and the President.
• This regulation stipulates that the term of office of the President is 2 years and that of the remaining Board members is 4 years.
• Furthermore, the possibility of re-election of the members of the Executive Board is not limited, but that of the President is.
• Michael Klimke therefore proposes the following amendment to the Statutes and brings it to the vote.
• Currentregulation according to § 5.2
• The President has to be a Member and is elected for a term of office of two (2) years and is eligible to be re-elected for a further term of two (2)years, After two terms each of two years, the President will be eligible for re-election following a two year break from the Date of adoption.
• Proposal to amend the Statutes § 5.2
• The President has to be a Member and is elected for a term of office of four (4) years and is eligible to be re-elected for an unlimited number of times.
• Before the vote, there was a discussion on whether this change made sense and whether the proposed change would not lead to there being no more candidates for the office of President in the future. After the different arguments were exchanged, the General Secretary asked the members present to vote on the proposal.
• The result of the single member voting was as follows:
• 12 members voted in favor of the amendment
• 4 members voted against the amendment
• 3 members abstained from voting
• The proposal to amend the Statutes on this point is thus approved and the Statutes are to be amended accordingly.
There were no comments on this agenda item.
The President thanked those present for the constructive meeting and the Secretary General closed the meeting.
These minutes were taken by the Secretary General and their accuracy and completeness were confirmed by the President.
Thank you for your attention!