More speakers revealed for the Masters Symposium Freestyle on December 3rd & 4th 2022:
IDRC teamed up with Black Horse One to present you the exclusive new Masters Symposium. This two day online event is for all persons interested in learning about Freestyles.
Apart from Sweden’s Patrik Kittel, international 5* judge Hans Christian Matthiesen and Freestyle Music Expert Jacquelien Vriese will be part of the exciting online event!
Hans Christian Matthiesen – “Understanding Freestyle Judging”
Hans-Christian Matthiesen, in addition to being a veterinarian, is an FEI 5* judge, member of the FEI Dressage Committee, member of the board of directors of the Danish Equestrian Federation, and the president of the International Dressage Officials Club.
Jacquelien Vriese - "What makes a good Freestyle Music?"
Jacquelien Vriese is the owner of Symphoneon Sound Design and inspires numerous dressage riders with her exceptional and innovative music productions. Next to her incredible freestyle productions, she provides musical accompaniment during dressage tests at some of the biggest dressage events in the world.
Find out more about the different topics as well as the brilliant, renowned speakers and the registration procedure here: https://www.eventbrite.de/.../masters-symposium-freestyle...
The Symposium targets all interested persons, not just judges or top sport!
Register now and enjoy two days (3rd & 4th of December) with the various aspects of Freestyles, from judging to training and music, with some of the top names Dressage has to offer.
The last speaker reveals follow on November 15th!